Bridging Biopharma and AI for a Healthier Future
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Personal Predictive Preventative Participatory HealthCare Revolution
If you were to pick a major industry about to see an incredible amount of change, you might choose health care. Venture Capitalist Vinod Khoslh made the prediction in 2015 that technology could replace 80% of what doctors do within 10 years. And you can already see it happening. The burgeoning Quantified Self movement is using cheap sensors and apps to monitor health and moods. In the future, we may not need doctors for routine check-ups: all the information will be there on the smartphone.
The key point is that health care is no longer a specialists’ domain. The availability of cheap medical devices, like handheld ultrasounds and mobile eye exam machines, means citizens can take health into their own hands. Embedded sensors, on tattoos and subcutaneous trackers, will soon transmit live updates to doctors’ tablets.
The traditional idea of visiting the the doctor when you feel sick and the notion that there’s one person who knows everything about what is best for a patient's personal health is shifting rapidly.
In the future, we might get an app and sensor along with our prescriptions, doctors could check up remotely to see how the drug is reacting with our bodies, and they’ll be able to encourage us to follow along from our phones and other devices.
Personalized medicine is another big change. Rather than treatments for the masses, our medications will be designed with only us in mind. We’ll be tailored to based on our genetic profile, what microorganisms are floating in our guts, and our medical histories (which, of course, will finally be digitized). The report foresees "highly customizable individual health plans."
Perhaps most encouragingly, cheaper medical technology could be a big value driver and benefit to poor countries. If urine analysis, fecal analysis, and blood work can now be done on your smartphone, and the price is coming down rapidly, in a very short period of time, you’ll be able to bring early modern diagnosis to the bottom billion.