Rewards are obtained through achieving goals. We get a nice feeling when we feel we are headed toward generally completing out goals. Health goals are difficult for several reasons and there are so many points of potential failure. Those failure points exist in the short, medium and long term. In the short term, you may not feel like going for a run today, you may have have a few drinks in the medium term and you might get bored with the routine in the long term.
The key to success is having fun and not taking yourself too damn seriously.

Short-term data feedback:
Fitness tracker (Worn almost all the time to track sit vs stand time, walking, stair climbing, sleep, heart rates, and several different types of workouts - including spin, weight training and yoga.)
Medium-term feedback: This one is the most overlooked by far.
Urine strips for detecting levels ketosis by measuring ketone concentration. Ketones are released when our bodies have to burn fat to replenish glucose levels in the blood.
Long-term feedback: Smart Scale to track the progress of your physical change. For most people, this is the ultimate goal. Modify the way we live, to see results in terms of physical attributes, like fat percentages. By tracking weight alongside your workouts in the Fitbit app, you can visualize the correlations in real time on your iPhone to see what kinds of routines work best for you.
If you can play the marshmallow game long enough to start seeing results on the scale, you will have created a nice positive feedback loop. Use these three tools or ones like them that work for you to develop healthy habits.