Currently, many published research findings are false or exaggerated, and an estimated 85% of research resources are wasted (see publication 1 below).
1. How to Make More Published Research True. Published in PLOS Medicine by John P. A. Ioannidis Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), Stanford University.
2. Diagnosing the decline in pharmaceutical R&D efficiency. Published Nature Review Drug Discovery. The diagnostic is clear for our industry.
3. Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets? Their title is crystal clear. Published Nature Review Drug Discovery.
4. The Differences & Complementarities Between « Heuristic » and « Mathematical» approaches. The scientific presentation given by Dr. François IRIS (CSO BMSystems) during the EPA (European Psychiatric Association) conference in 2011.
5. Psychiatric Systems Medicine Success: Invited review in Pharmaco-Psychiatry to present the first Mechanisms-Based Medicine program that led to discoveries validated in-vivo: The late phase of the Creutzfeld-Jacob (Mad Cow) disease mechanisms was deciphered and the indirectly led to discovery of the novel therapy for psychiatric disorders.

The main objective of this post to launch the discussion and try to prevent big data to become only big garbage in life sciences. It is possible, but we need to work on the right concepts and methods.
What we really need to implement Mechanisms-Based Medicine should be: High value Smart Data. These "Mechanisms-Based Smart Data" to give real medical "sense" to what we measure. It means that they must necessarily be:
1. Characterized, traceable and contextualized.
2. Based on a robust biological mechanisms understanding, and
3. Related to patients base-lines.
We should not forget that: "In life sciences, with less than 10% success rate, a dominant recurrent thinking that repeatedly fails may be “false”!, even if supported by Key opinion leaders" if we want to start thinking out of the box! (Just consider A beta and Tau hypothesizes as finally NOT the causes of Alzheimer's disease but only unspecific consequences of it!).
Thinking out of the box already contributed to the creation of two funded Pharma SMEs at clinical stage: Pherecydes-Pharma (2006, novel M.R. bacteria bio-therapies), Theranexus (2013, innovative combined therapies for Psychiatric disorders).