The forces that lead to disruption are always at work in every industry. In every sizable company, the set of ideas that has been processed and packaged for top management approval is very different from the population of ideas that is bubbling up at the bottom. New ideas seem to be inexorably recast into attempts to make existing customers still happier.
In order to identify and predict market disruption, to be disruptive thinkers and innovators, these are questions we should be asking:
What strategies will result in the competitors killing us?
Which improvements over previous generation products will patients and payers enthusiastically reward with premium prices, and which will they meet with indifference?
Which patient populations constitute the most viable foundation on which to build a business?
How do we continue to gain attractive products as commoditization occurs through patent expirations?
What is the best organizational structure for a disruptive biotech venture?
When is flexibility important, and when does it lead to failure?
Whose investment will help us succeed, and whose capital might be a kiss of death?
Rather than turning only to data about the past for decision making, business leaders should apply theory to recognize opportunity and create new business models with increased capital efficiencies when markets signal that the time is right for progressive innovation.
In order to execute the best strategy for any given set of circumstances, one needs to be able to correctly categorize the circumstances he is in. When collectively exhaustive and mutually exclusive categories of circumstances are clearly defined, things get predictable, and disruptive strategies begin to reveal themselves within value networks.